Trusted by the world’s best athletes
Lucy Charles-Barclay
"AG1 has been a game-changer for me in areas like supporting my immune system, energy levels, and mental performance. I find AG1 to be equally beneficial during my training and in the off-season to keep me healthy."
Gustav Iden
"With AG1, I have found a daily solution for my body that I can take with me anywhere in the world and this has supported me in taking greater ownership of my own health."
Sebastian Kienle
“For me, AG1 is not just a nutritional supplement but a comprehensive foundation to my diet.”
Laura Philipp
"With AG1 I feel confident I have covered a broad range of my nutritional needs. AG1 supports me daily by nourishing my body with the right 'building materials' (nutrients) in order to help my recovery and function at my best."
Sam Laidlow
"AG1 is unique and more importantly easy to use. Health is the most underrated pillar of performance and AG1 gives me the piece of mind covering a big part of my daily nutritional needs in one simple scoop."
Daniel Baekkegard
"My body is under constant stress due to the high volume of intense training as well as the non-stop travel. I am a big fan of AG1's simple daily foundational nutrition that helps me support my immune health."
Kat Matthews
"I've been able to easily integrate AG1 into my morning routine and have been impressed with the focus it gives me going into the day and I am excited to support so many different areas of health and wellbeing with just one simple product."
Braden Currie
"I have been using AG1 for months as part of my morning routine to give me an extra boost before the intensity of my training day begins. This daily habit has supported me both physically and mentally, and I am incredibly proud to represent AG1 which was founded by a Kiwi and originated here in New Zealand."
Timothy O'Donnell
"AG1 is my foundational nutrition, helping me support my immune system and energize my body so I can keep up with both my training and my kids. This one simple habit has been a game changer!"