2021 Impact Report

We're proud of all we've accomplished recently, from achieving Climate Neutral Certification to donating 1.7 million meals to kids in need.

The Mission: Empower Health Ownership

The Mission: Empower Health Ownership

Our mission is to empower people to take ownership of their health. It’s a move that inspires a healthier, happier, more spectacular life journey. Because when we’re the best version of ourselves, we’re better able to live a purpose-driven life—and more fully invest in our relationships and communities. Last year, our commitment to empowering lives led to an over 200% increase in new members of the health ownership movement!

Our flagship foundational nutrition drink, AG1, continues to deliver the highest quality ingredients in a simple, synergistic way that gives our members convenient access to foundational nutrition. We’re committed to innovating AG1 to better serve our members’ health ownership journey.

The Mission: Empower Health Ownership

The Mission: Empower Health Ownership

Our mission is to empower people to take ownership of their health. It’s a move that inspires a healthier, happier, more spectacular life journey. Because when we’re the best version of ourselves, we’re better able to live a purpose-driven life—and more fully invest in our relationships and communities. Last year, our commitment to empowering lives led to an over 200% increase in new members of the health ownership movement!

Our flagship foundational nutrition drink, AG1, continues to deliver the highest quality ingredients in a simple, synergistic way that gives our members convenient access to foundational nutrition. We’re committed to innovating AG1 to better serve our members’ health ownership journey.

Nutrition is a Human Right

Nutrition is a Human Right

We believe that nutrition is a human right. That’s why with every order of AG1, we donate to organizations that deliver meals to children in need.

In 2021, AG’s support helped get nearly two million meals to kids in need through our valued partners No Kid Hungry, Da Alegria, Mary’s Meals, and Urban Light.

Nutrition is a Human Right

Nutrition is a Human Right

We believe that nutrition is a human right. That’s why with every order of AG1, we donate to organizations that deliver meals to children in need.

In 2021, AG’s support helped get nearly two million meals to kids in need through our valued partners No Kid Hungry, Da Alegria, Mary’s Meals, and Urban Light.

Meet Our Partners

No Kid Hungry is dedicated to ending childhood hunger in the US. We helped provide over 700,000 meals in 2021.

Da Alegria supports foundations dedicated to improving the quality of life of Colombian children. In 2021, AG helped provide over 600,000 meals.

Urban Light provides emergency services and support to boys in Thailand who are victims of trafficking. Last year, AG helped provide over 15,000 meals.

Mary’s Meals links education and nutrition by offering a meal every school day to some of the world’s poorest children. AG helped provide over 400,000 meals last year.

1.7 million meals offered to kids in need

Sustainable Growth

Environmental sustainability connects our own health and wellness to that of the planet’s and is inexorably tied to our mission. In practicing sustainable growth, we look to improve across three key areas:

1. Carbon Footprint

2. Sustainable Materials

3. Setting the Standard for Suppliers

We believe that every company should take ownership and responsibility for their carbon footprint as a part of doing business. Through the great work of our team, we received our Climate Neutral Certification last year and are offsetting our full 2020 emissions.

We made important improvements to our packaging materials, including an 11% reduction in plastic and an increase to 66% recyclability of all our products. We also removed the outer plastic coating on our Welcome Box (making it fully recyclable) and utilized FSC-certified paper and recycled content.

To ensure that these practices are upheld by our suppliers and vendors, we’ve introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct. This valuable document addresses our commitments to labor and human rights, non-discrimination, environmental regulations, traceability, and workplace health and safety.

Sustainable Growth

Environmental sustainability connects our own health and wellness to that of the planet’s and is inexorably tied to our mission. In practicing sustainable growth, we look to improve across three key areas:

1. Carbon Footprint

2. Sustainable Materials

3. Setting the Standard for Suppliers

We believe that every company should take ownership and responsibility for their carbon footprint as a part of doing business. Through the great work of our team, we received our Climate Neutral Certification last year and are offsetting our full 2020 emissions.

We made important improvements to our packaging materials, including an 11% reduction in plastic and an increase to 66% recyclability of all our products. We also removed the outer plastic coating on our Welcome Box (making it fully recyclable) and utilized FSC-certified paper and recycled content.

To ensure that these practices are upheld by our suppliers and vendors, we’ve introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct. This valuable document addresses our commitments to labor and human rights, non-discrimination, environmental regulations, traceability, and workplace health and safety.

66% recyclability across all products

People First

AG1’ phenomenal growth wouldn’t be possible without our amazing team, which we honor by creating an environment where they feel valued, respected, and empowered. In 2021, we brought on 84 new full-time global employees to further drive the impact we want to have on the world.

Remote Life
We're proud to have created a fully remote team at AG. With over a decade of experience in this model, we’ll keep allowing team members to work from wherever they feel they can lead a fulfilling life and serve their desired communities.

Unlimited PTO
We believe that if you need time you should take time, and we encourage our team members to use their PTO frequently. Downtime, mental health days, and vacations help keep minds sharp and prevent burnout during high-growth periods.

16 Weeks Paid Parental Leave

We love watching our AG team grow their families and are proud to support this critical bonding time between new parents and their babies.

People First

AG1’ phenomenal growth wouldn’t be possible without our amazing team, which we honor by creating an environment where they feel valued, respected, and empowered. In 2021, we brought on 84 new full-time global employees to further drive the impact we want to have on the world.

Remote Life
We're proud to have created a fully remote team at AG. With over a decade of experience in this model, we’ll keep allowing team members to work from wherever they feel they can lead a fulfilling life and serve their desired communities.

Unlimited PTO
We believe that if you need time you should take time, and we encourage our team members to use their PTO frequently. Downtime, mental health days, and vacations help keep minds sharp and prevent burnout during high-growth periods.

16 Weeks Paid Parental Leave

We love watching our AG team grow their families and are proud to support this critical bonding time between new parents and their babies.

84 full-time employees added

This is just Year One of our annual Impact Report, and we know there’s a lot of work to do in 2022. We’ll share more throughout the year, and we’d love to hear from you. After all, you’re the reason we’re here.

Send your feedback and comments to: impact@athleticgreens.com

© 2024 AG1

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und einen gesunden Lebensstil. Außer Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Bitte Arzt oder Ärztin informieren und konsultieren, bevor dieses Produkt eingenommen wird. Nicht geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren, schwangere und stillende Frauen. Auf die Einnahme weiterer zinkhaltiger Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verzichten. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge nicht überschreiten. Personen, die gerinnungshemmende Medikamente einnehmen, sollten vor dem Verzehr Vitamin K-haltiger Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ärztlichen Rat einholen.

* Echte Bewertungen von Kunden, die nach dem Kauf einen Bewertungslink erhalten haben.

** Das Angebot ist nur für neue Abonnenten gültig.


1: Kupfer, Folat, Selen, Zink und die Vitamine A, B12, B6 und C tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei.


2: Die Vitamine C, B6 und B12, sowie Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothensäure, Calcium, Phosphor, Kupfer und Mangan tragen zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei. Biotin, Zink und Chrom tragen zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen bei. Vitamin A und Riboflavin tragen zu einem normalen Eisenstoffwechsel bei. Zink trägt zu einem normalen Säure-Basen-Stoffwechsel, einem normalen Kohlenhydrat-Stoffwechsel, einem normalen Fettsäurestoffwechsel und einem normalen Vitamin-A-Stoffwechsel bei. Molybdän trägt zu einer normalen Verstoffwechslung schwefelhaltiger Aminosäuren bei. Pantothensäure trägt zu einer normalen Synthese und zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Steroidhormonen, Vitamin D und einigen Neurotransmittern bei. Vitamine B6 und B12 sowie Folat tragen zu einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel bei. Vitamin B6 trägt zu einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glycogenstoffwechsel bei.

Gesunde Zellen

3: Vitamine B12 und Folat, sowie Zink und Calcium tragen zu der Funktion der Zellteilung bei. Vitamin A und Calcium tragen zu der Funktion der Zellspezialisierung bei. Die Vitamine E und C sowie Riboflavin, Zink, Kupfer, Mangan und Selen tragen dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen. Zink trägt zu einer normalen DNA-Synthese bei. Phosphor trägt zu einer normalen Funktion der Zellmembran bei.

Geistige Leistungsfähigkeit; Mentaler Fokus; Nervensystem; Psychische Funktion

4: Die Vitamine C, B6, B12, sowie Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothensäure und Folat tragen zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei. Pantothensäure trägt zu einer normalen geistigen Leistung bei. Zink trägt zu einer normalen kognitiven Funktion bei. Die Vitamine C, B6, B12, sowie Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin und Kupfer tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems bei. Calcium trägt zu einer normalen Signalübertragung zwischen den Nervenzellen bei.Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Folat, and Vitamin C tragen zu einer normalen psychischen Funktion bei.

Gesunde Knochen 

5: Calcium wird für die Erhaltung normaler Knochen benötigt. Protein, Phosphor, Zink und Mangan tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Knochen bei. Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Kollagenbildung für eine normale Funktion der Knochen, Knorpel und des Zahnfleisches bei.


6: Thiamin trägt zu einer normalen Herzfunktion bei. Die Vitamine B6 und B12 tragen zur normalen Bildung roter Blutkörperchen bei. Calcium trägt zu einer normalen Blutgerinnung bei. Vitamin C trägt zur normalen Kollagenbildung für eine normale Funktion der Blutgefäße bei. Kupfer trägt zum normalen Eisentransport im Körper bei.

Haut, Haare, Nägel

7: Vitamin A, sowie Riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin und Zink tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Haut bei. Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Kollagenbildung für eine normale Funktion der Haut bei. Biotin, Zink und Selen tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Haare bei. Kupfer trägt zu einer normalen Haut- und Haarpigmentierung sowie zu einem normalen Bindegewebe bei. Mangan trägt zu einer normalen Bindegewebsbildung bei. Selen und Zink tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Nägel bei.


8: Vitamin B6 trägt zur Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit bei. Pantothensäure trägt zu einer normalen Synthese und zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Steroidhormonen, Vitamin D und einigen Neurotransmittern bei. Zink trägt zur Erhaltung eines normalen Testosteronspiegels im Blut bei. Selen trägt zu einer normalen Schilddrüsenfunktion und zu einer normalen Spermabildung bei. Zink trägt zu einer normalen Fruchtbarkeit und einer normalen Reproduktion bei. Chrom trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Blutzuckerspiegels bei.


9: Calcium trägt zur normalen Funktion von Verdauungsenzymen bei. Biotin trägt zur Erhaltung normaler Schleimhäute bei (z. B. Darmschleimhaut).


10: Calcium trägt zu einer normalen Muskelfunktion bei. Proteine tragen zur Erhaltung von Muskelmasse und einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei.

Gesunde Augen

11. Vitamin A, Riboflavin und Zink tragen zur Erhaltung normaler Sehkraft bei.